

875 人追蹤



  • 劉京Gene,中國攝影師,在人像攝影領域從業多年,與多家影視經濟公司合作,擁有模特藝人宣傳照攝影師與歌手音樂錄影帶導演等多重身份。拍攝風格多元,擅長根據不同拍攝對象打造合適的藝術形象。近來專攻男體攝影領域,合作多位網路天菜級男神,本次推出的寫真書亦為全新嘗試,期望給粉絲帶來更多視覺盛宴。

    Gene, A Chinese photographer, Has worked in the field of portrait photography for many years, And cooperated with many film and television economic companies. He has multiple identities such as model artist publicity photographer and singer music video director. Diverse shooting styles, Good at creating appropriate artistic images according to different subjects. Recently specializing in the field of male body photography, Cooperation with a number of online dish level male god, The release of the photo book is also a new attempt, Hoping to bring fans more visual feast.
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